Here are all entries of our second Guestbook

September 2007 to February 2013
Dear fellow Springboks and friends,
you might know of the AXE advertising campaign currently running in South Africa and around the world? It is running here in Germany too were I am now one of the top candidates. I am already in
the required top-50 but could do with some support in the way of inspirational comments and additional votes untill the deadline of February 17, 2013. Please consider helping me or pass this on
to someone that might be interested. I will stay in contact and tell you results. .... one small step for me, ONE GIANT LEAP FOR SPRINGBOKS?
See you in summer.
Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner
BSC (Building) Wits 1988
Deutsche Museum training video. A pure coincidence? no :-)
On 24.12.2010 at 18:02Dian Coetzee wrote the following message into our guestbook:
Hello, ek woon in Ingolstadt vir die volgende twee jaar. Wil graag weet of daar enige ander afrikaanse mense in Ingolstadt woon. Ek het hierna toe getrek in November. Sal dit waardeer as julle my kan kontak.
On 12.12.2010 at 12:11lorenz Wolf wrote the following message into our guestbook:
Trying to locate a Marcus Ballhausen who studied
at rhodes uni south africa
I thought he might just be a member of this club
On 25.08.2010 at 16:14Helmut Körber wrote the following message into our guestbook:
Sorry that the guestbook did not function for quite a while and we missed possibly a lot of entries.
But now we are online again so please go right ahead.
Your Webmaster
On 20.01.2009 at 12:51Santie Hain wrote the following message into our guestbook:
Jammer my regte email adres is hierbo. Kontak my asseblief as daar enige Suid Afrikaners in my omgewing is.
On 20.01.2009 at 12:15Santie Hain wrote the following message into our guestbook:
Ek bly sedert Februarie 2008 in Raisting, naby die Ammersee. Is met 'n duitser getroud wat ek in SA ontmoet het. Sal baie graag wil hoor van enige ander oud Suid Afrikaners in my omgewing.
On 21.08.2008 at 18:35Mariette wrote the following message into our guestbook:
Ek bly in Duitsland rigting Leipzig enige Suid Afrikaners in my omgewing gee maar n gilletjie asb ;)
On 08.04.2008 at 10:45Shirley KIienberger wrote the following message into our guestbook:
Can any-one tell me where I can find a South-African shop in Germany....would be much appreciated
On 03.04.2008 at 13:39Marina Ackermann wrote the following message into our guestbook:
Ons(2+2)woon sedert 12.07 in die Bodensee Lake Constance)area.
Enige Suid-Afrikaners in die rondte?
Kontak ons asb!
On 21.01.2008 at 03:55Andrea wrote the following message into our guestbook:
Dear All
I will be in Munich from the 15th- 26th July this year & really look forward to seeing you then. When does the braai happen? Any chance of it being on the 19th or 20th July?
I am happily settled in Sydney, but do miss my Munich family!
Cheers & see you soon!
Much love
Andrea xxx
On 27.12.2007 at 21:21Shirley KIienberger wrote the following message into our guestbook:
At the moment I am very home-sick,just looking at the web-cam pics made me feel so much better.We realy do have a beautifull country,
On 04.11.2007 at 05:43Otto & Davrey Ehrensberger wrote the following message into our guestbook:
We are glad that the Gaestebook is being continued.Full credits to our webmaster in his mission to keep us informed, thank you Helmut.
Well the bookies made it in spite of all the political interference. Bon Voyage to the Trainer J.White
Otto & Davrey
On 30.10.2007 at 09:04genevieve gundelfinger wrote the following message into our guestbook:
Dear members and friends:
The time has come to revamp our guestbook.
The club has now been going for over 15 years. I have been reading the guestbook for about 10 of these, since we first went on-line with a very early website. So a big thank-you to our great web-master.
This year we have had a lot of fun and interesting events including a curry evening, a braai and most of all a lovely event where the Bokke took home the Cup. This began as a tense evening in Iphitos and ended up as a happy early morning in Tapas Tapas.
We hope that as this is YOUR club, we will get lots of input and support. The next time you can help us, is to help RUWOAOZ on November 10th when we ask you to come and auction off your treasures and also to buy the treasures of others.
Meanwhile hope you enjoy this site (remeber we want and need your input) and those of you in and around Munich, do not only read the jokes in the newsletter - but come and join us!!
See you soon
Your Chairlady